March 30, 2012

April News

A) PAC News
Next PAC Meeting:
          April 16 - 6:30 in the Staff Room

Food Day:
            April 12 & 26 – Food Days

Got any great ideas for our PAC? We are beginning to plan for next year and are looking for new ideas and things to try. We always welcome new ideas and participation from our parent community. If you are interested in helping out in any way please contact Jamie MacLean.

B) Easter Weekend
Easter long weekend is April 5-9 this year. There is no school on Good Friday or Easter Monday. Enjoy celebrating your family traditions over this weekend!

C) Kindergarten Registration
Our Kindergarten Registration Day is Wednesday, April 4th . Should you know of anyone having a 5 year old child who will be entering Kindergarten in September, please make sure they register their child as soon as possible. Thanks!

D) On the Move Challenge
Our “On the Move Challenge” was a great success again this year. We had 23 vehicles in the event. Our design winners were Jaden Bitz, Matthew/Jasmin Blacklock, Gabe Niewenhuizen, Ashley Bitz, Shawn Smelsky, and Emily Tichtner. Our distance travelled winners were Deja Salazar, Jolie Carruthers, Keigh-leanne Rufus, Brandon Puffer/Hill, Ashley Bitz and Trinity Blacklock. Well done to everyone who participated!!

E) Student Placement
We are beginning to think about student placements for next year. As a staff we take great care and much time to try to meet the needs of all our students when constructing classes. 
When it comes time to make decisions regarding student placement I will meet with the outgoing teacher and other staff working with the student.  The resulting placement will take into account the following factors:
a) diversity in development (academic ability)
b) unique learning needs                
c) gender balance
d) class chemistry
e) teaching styles
f) personality
g) family relationships       
h) social factors
i) parent information

All factors are discussed with your child’s teacher present at the school placement meetings. He/she will have a substantial amount of information to provide about your child’s needs and will make recommendations regarding the social dynamics of the proposed class.  Friendships may be important to your child, but part of the process of growth involves getting to know others and working with them. You do not have to make a request for next year’s placement, since your child’s teacher knows your child well enough to recommend the best placement for him or her.
If you have any information that would be helpful in determining the best possible placement for your child please put your thoughts in writing and send the note to Mr. Horton. Please keep in mind that the reasons for specific requests should be educational reasons. The final decision regarding the placement of students rests with the Principal.

F) Dressing for School
Students need to be comfortable to learn. At Sorrento School students are expected to wear clothes that are appropriate for school. A good rule of thumb we share with the students is that beach wear is not appropriate at school. Spaghetti strap tops and open mid-rift blouses should be saved for summer holiday wear. Likewise T-shirts with inappropriate language or illustrations should not be worn to school.
Thank you for sending your child with an indoor pair of running shoes and for sending him/her to school dressed to learn.
If you have any questions regarding the school’s dress code, please contact Mr. Horton.

G) Cross-country Running
Depending upon teacher job action our team should start training in the very near future. Students from grades 1 to 5 are welcome to join our school team. We will be practicing during lunch breaks. The team usually attends two runs held around the school district. Runners must attend practices in order to go to the events. Further information will be sent home with interested runners at a later date!

H) Head Lice
Each year we ask parents to check their child’s hair on a regular basis for head lice. September, January and April are often times when schools seem to have a greater incidence of head lice. Should you discover head lice on your child please inform us so that we can check the rest of your child’s class. Thanks!

I) Gymnastics
Our PAC sponsored gymnastics program starts Thursday, April 5. Shawnee from Momentum Gymnastics Club is doing the program. She will be with us on Thursdays and Fridays for the month of April. Please be sure your children come to school with a T-shirt and shorts every Thursday and Friday that we offer this special opportunity. Thanks.

J) Swim Lessons
Also starting this month are our swimming lessons. This year our PAC is paying for our Grade 3’s to have swimming lessons in Salmon Arm. Our lessons start April 5 and continue on Thursdays until the end of the month. Thank you PAC!!

K) Growth Planning/ Pro-d Day
Our next Growth Planning and Professional Development Day is Friday, April 20th.  Students do not attend school on this day.

L)Monthly Math Problem
We had 28 entries in our math problem draw. The winners of the Math problem of the month draw were Sienna Kurz for the K-2 students and Adrianna McQuarrie for the Grades 3- 5 students. Congratulations!!

M)Lisa Rolland Literacy Fund
We have decided to have a used book sale and give all the proceeds to the fund in memory of Lisa Rolland our school trustee. We ask that you have a look through your children’s books and send (by April 18th) any you no longer use to the school for us to sell at our school book sale on April 24th and 25th at Lunch break. This will be a great opportunity for our students to get some new reading material for the summer.

Dates to Remember
April 4 – Kindergarten Registration
April 6-9 - Easter Weekend
April 10 - StrongStart P.A.L.S.
April 16 – PAC Meeting
April 17 – Cultural Event
April 20 – Growth Planning/Pro-d Day
April 28 – PAC Casino Night

February 29, 2012

March news!!

A) PAC News
Next PAC Meeting:
                   Monday, April 16; 6:30 pm
Soup Day:
                        None planned
Food Day:
None Planned

B) Spring Break
We have 2 weeks for Spring Break again this year. Our last school day is March 9th and we start up again on Monday, March 26. Enjoy your break!!

C) Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration will take place at Sorrento School Wednesday, April 4, from 8:30 – 2:00 pm. If these times do not work for you, please call the school to make alternate arrangements. Please pass this message along to any one you know who has children who will be entering Kindergarten next year. Thanks.

D)Lisa Rolland Literacy Fund
Thank you to those of you who have already donated to this fund. We thought that we should do something as a school to raise funds to honour Lisa. We have planned a used book sale for April and are looking for someone to organize this for us. If you can help with this fund raiser please call the school at 675-2311. Thanks.

E) On the Move Challenge
Our school wide Design Technology Challenge will take place shortly after Spring Break. Included in this newsletter is the “Challenge” description. We thought we should send the challenge out now so that those of you who would like to could work on your vehicle over the holiday period. The actual challenge day will be Thursday, March 29th during our lunch break.

F) School District Art Fair
The School District Art Fair will take place March 2-9. The location is again in the Piccadilly Place Mall. Our school will have a display of our student’s art work in the Mall all week. We will be sending 25+ Grade 4 or 5 students to the Artist Workshops on Wednesday, March 7 from 9:00 until 2:00. Should you be in town during the week, be sure to stop by and have a look at some of the amazing art work our elementary schools are doing!!
G) Report Cards
This message is from our Superintendent
Mr. Dave Witt. “Due to the uncertainty surrounding teacher job action, decisions regarding the format and distribution of 2nd term report cards will be delayed until after the March Break.”

H)Library News
Thank you to all families and staff who purchased books at the Book Fair.  Our net sales were $3200.77, and we earned a 60% commission!  A BIG THANK YOU also to the parent volunteers who made this fundraiser possible: June McAleese, Patty Kimmie, Steph Manningham, Andrea Ruckle, Jamie MacLean, Jodi Daburger, Patty Boyes, and Miranda Petersen. Because our students were able to raise more than $3000 Mr. Horton will be having his hair cut off!! We will do this Friday, March 9. 

I) Spring Fling Early Years Fair
North and South Shuswap pre-schoolers are invited to attend the Spring Fling Early Years Fair. This year’s fair features the Children’s entertainer ‘Kiki the Eco Elf’. The fair is planned for Tuesday March 6 in our school gym from 10:30-12:30. Come join the free fun!!

J) French Immersion
If you have a child in Grade 5 and are interested in enrolling them in the Late French Immersion program at Shuswap Middle School there will be a parent information meeting Tuesday, March 5; 7:00 pm at Shuswap Middle School.  Registration Day for this program is April 4th from 7:00am until 10:00am at the District Education Centre. For more information call our secretary Mrs. Cassman.

K)Monthly Math Problem
We had 20 entries in our math problem draw. The winners of the Math problem of the month draw were Georgia Clarke for the K-2 students and Alyssa Andreasen for the Grades 3- 5 students. Congratulations!!

Dates to Remember
March 7 – Art Fair Workshops
March 9 – Last Day
March 26 – Back to school

January 26, 2012

February News

A) PAC News
Next PAC Meeting:
          Feb. 20 - 6:30 in the Staff Room
Food Day:
            February 9 & 23
Soup Day:
            February 1, 15, & 29

B) School Attendance
One of the most important factors in student learning is attendance at school. That is why it is important for students to attend on a consistent basis.
Being on time is also an important life skill that students learn at school. When students arrive late they miss out on the start-up activities which get students primed for the learning that will take place that day.
Thank you to those of you who ensure that your children attend school consistently and are punctual; you are helping your children to develop positive life skills and attitudes.

C) Fruit and Vegetables Program
Every couple weeks a delivery of fresh fruit or vegetables arrives at the school. It is then placed in trays for the different classrooms and the teachers distribute it to the students at their leisure. There is enough product for each student to have at least two servings. The program aims to allow our students to have a nutritious snack and try things they might not necessarily have the opportunity to experience at home.

D) School Blog
Our school now has a blog site for our newsletters and assundry other information. Should you not wish to receive a paper copy let Colleen know and we will no longer send you a paper copy.  Our blog may be found at the following url.

E) School Reading Room
Our School Reading Room is up and running again this year. We have hired an extra Lunch Hour supervisor using our LINK Grant funds that we applied for in September. This supervisor takes 15 – 20 students into the “Loft” to read and snack!! Students must sign up on Friday or Monday prior to the day they wish to read instead of going outside.

F) School Spirit Event
Our School Spirit Event for this month is a “Jersey Day”. We will have “Jersey” Day on Thursday, February 17.

G) Anxiety Awareness Workshops
These workshops are intended to provide information, insight and strategies for anxious children. With this in mind School District #83 is offering workshops at North Shuswap El. School from 2:00 -3:00 Mondays, March 26, April 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30. If you are interested in attending please call North Shuswap School.

H) Community Forums
Our School Board and Superintendent are travelling around our school district to get information from parents about what parents think education should look like in the 21st century. The discussions will focus around the question, “How might schools better engage learners?” The Carlin/Sorrento Forum is Tuesday, February 21 from 7:00-8:30 at Carlin School. See you there.

I) Making Sense of Discipline
Making Sense of Discipline is a video course and discussion group facilitated by Marie Chernen. This three hour course speaks to the question of what to do when…, but does so in the larger context of what is required to raise children to their full potential. The course will take place Jan 30, February 6 and 13 from 6:30-8:30 at Salmon Arm Recreation Center Room #3. For more info call 250-832-9578.

J) Cultural Event
Our third cultural event for this year is a performer who attended Salmon Arm Secondary School and has won two Juno Awards, Greg Sczebel. Greg will be performing for us February 28 at 9:15. You are welcome to join us for this lively performance!

K) Parents As Literacy Supporters
Our first PALS session was a great success! Thank you, Mrs. Ruckle, for a great morning of fun activities for our parents and their children. Our second session of Kindergarten P.A.L.S. will take place on February 24 from 9:00 until 11:00 am. Our PALS program is very well attended and we look forward to seeing you here.

L) Students Do Not Attend
Teachers will be attending a Regional Professional Development Day on February 17th. Our region runs from Salmon Arm to Penticton. This is a great opportunity for our staff to network with teachers from other School Districts and to be taught by experts in the teaching profession.

M) Winter Fun Days
We have split the school into two groups for our Winter Fun Days this year. Mrs. Ruckle’s, Mrs. Zinck, Mrs. Blacklock, and Mrs. Tyssen’s classes will have their fun events Wednesday, Feb 29 from 10:15 until 11:45. Mrs. McManus, Mrs. Hadath and Mrs. Hall’s classes will compete on March 1st from 10:15 until 11:45.

N) Parking Lot Safety
The parking lot at Sorrento School gets very busy at the start and end of each day. Please do not block the bus loading and unloading zone at the front of the school at any time.
If you pick up your student(s) make sure they use the cross walk and do not run through the bus zone to get to your vehicle.
Please be patient and very careful when picking up your children especially at this snowy and icy time of year.  Thanks.

O)Monthly Math Problem
We had 24 entries in our math problem draw. The winners of the Math problem of the month draw were Kyle Sheehan for the K-2 students and Trinity Blacklock for the Grades 3- 5 students. Congratulations!!

P) Minor Baseball Registration
         Thursday, March 1, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
         Saturday March 3, 10:00am – noon
Registration to take place at Sorrento Preschool, 1148 Passchendaele Rd., across the street from Sorrento School. Call Steve 675-5269 for more information.

Dates to Remember
Feb. 16 – Jersey Day
Feb. 17 – Pro-D Day
Feb. 20 – PAC Meeting
Feb. 21 – Community Forum @ Carlin School
Feb. 24 – Kindergarten P.A.L.S.
Feb. 28 – Cultural Event 9:15

January 06, 2012

January News

A) Parent Advisory Counsel
Food Day:  Thursday, Jan. 12 & 26

Soup Day: Wednesday, Jan. 4 & 18

Next Meeting: Monday, Jan. 16

B) Welcome Back
We hope that you have had a great Christmas break. We are looking forward to an action packed Winter Term!!

C) Transportation Alerts
With the inclement weather at this time of year, we often find ourselves wondering if the busses will be running. In the event that you find yourself in this position, the first thing you should do is listen to our local radio station CKXR (Easy Rock) at 580AM or 98.1 FM. Should there be a problem, the School District Transportation department will inform the radio station first. Another possibility is to telephone the Transportation Department at
832-9415. If you get the answering machine, leave a message with your question and a return telephone number and someone will contact you as soon as possible.

D) Askews Gift Cards
Thanks to everyone who is already purchasing gift cards from the school. Should you shop at Askews, we will continue to sell them in 2012. The school makes a small profit on each card we sell. We now have $100 cards to make using them easier. You can get gift cards from the office any time. Thanks!

E) Snow and School
At Sorrento School snow is for “building and sliding”!! We will continue to promote this theme through-out the winter months.
We also have a strict “no snow throwing” rule. This rule applies to students walking to and from school and at bus stops. The rule is in place to keep our children safe and is the same rule at all schools in our School District.
We have limited sliding space so please do not send crazy carpets to school with your children. The school provides a limited number of these for student use.
Please do send your children to school with snow pants so that they will be allowed to slide.
Thank you for reinforcing these expectations.

F) Christmas Bake Sale
Thank you for your support of this event! We raised $510 for the classes to use for extras for the children. Judging by the overwhelming response to this event we will be doing it again next year!!

G) Christmas Concert
“Thank you” to all of you who attended our Christmas
Concerts. Also, a huge “Thank you” to our staff team who
took on the leadership of our concert again this  year.

H) Soup Days
We will continue to have two soup days per month through this term. Due to Food safe regulations we are not able to provide bowls or spoons for students. Please be sure to send bowls and spoons along with your child on our soup days otherwise they will not be getting any of the great soup our soup day parent team provides. Thanks!!

I) To Booster Seat or not!!
Have you ever questioned which seat is right for your child? Have you questioned whether your child's current seat is providing a safe fit? You should. 90% of child seats are used incorrectly. Yours may be one of them.
Please remember that as the driver of a vehicle, you are legally responsible for properly restraining all children whom you are transporting. This applies to every-day driving as well as situations like car-pooling, after school play-dates, birthday parties and field trips.
Below are some general guidelines that you can follow when trying to decide what stage of seating a child is at. Please remember that the provincial laws are a minimum requirement. Children may remain harnessed past the weight of 40 pounds in a high-weight harnessed seat. They may also remain in a booster seat past their ninth birthday if the seatbelt is not yet fitting properly. Most children will require the use of a booster seat until they are 11 or 12.

When should my child remain in a 5 point harness?
·      The child is under 18kg (40 pounds)
·      The child regularly falls asleep in the vehicle
·      The child squirms, leans, slouches or plays with the seatbelt
·      The vehicle does not have shoulder belts
·      The seatbelt does not fit properly with the use of a booster seat
·      The child does not understand the importance of wearing a seatbelt properly at all times

When should my child use a booster seat?
·      The child is able to sit properly for the duration of every vehicle trip
·      The child understands the importance of a properly used seatbelt
·      The child is over 18kg (40 pounds) 
·      The seating position is equipped with a lap/shoulder belt
·      The child does not yet meet ALL requirements for using an adult belt without a booster seat (see below)

When can a child sit in the vehicle without a booster seat?
·      The child is at least 9 years old, although most children require a booster seat until 11 or 12 years.
·      The child has reached the height of 145cm (4'9")
·      The seating position is equipped with a lap/shoulder belt

Providing that they can meet all criteria in the 6 step test...
·      Does the child sit all the way back against the vehicle seat?
·      Do the child's knees bend comfortably at the edge of the auto seat?
·      Does the belt cross the shoulder between the neck and arm?
·      Is the lap belt as low as possible, touching the thighs?
·      Do the child's feet touch the vehicle floor?
·      Can the child stay seated like this for the whole trip?

What is proper seatbelt fit anyway?
·      The lap portion of the belt sits low on the bony hip area, snug across the pelvis. It is touching the top of the thighs and not riding up onto the soft abdomen.
·      The shoulder portion of the belt touches the chest and crosses the centre of the shoulder. It is not riding up on the neck or slipping off the ball of the shoulder.

J)Family Literacy Week
Family Literacy Week is January 23 through to January 29. Please see attachments with this newsletter for more information.

K)Monthly Math Problem
We had 30 entries in our math problem draw. The winners of the Math problem of the month draw were Jessica Andreasen for the K-2 students and Emily Thitchner for the Grades 3- 5 students. Congratulations!!

Dates to Remember
Jan. 16 – PAC Meeting
Jan. 20 - PALS
Jan 27 – Cultural Event 1:15