A) PAC News
Next PAC Meeting:
Feb. 20 - 6:30 in the Staff Room
Food Day:
February 9 & 23
Soup Day:
February 1, 15, & 29
B) School Attendance
One of the most important factors in student learning is attendance at school. That is why it is important for students to attend on a consistent basis.
Being on time is also an important life skill that students learn at school. When students arrive late they miss out on the start-up activities which get students primed for the learning that will take place that day.
Thank you to those of you who ensure that your children attend school consistently and are punctual; you are helping your children to develop positive life skills and attitudes.
C) Fruit and Vegetables Program
Every couple weeks a delivery of fresh fruit or vegetables arrives at the school. It is then placed in trays for the different classrooms and the teachers distribute it to the students at their leisure. There is enough product for each student to have at least two servings. The program aims to allow our students to have a nutritious snack and try things they might not necessarily have the opportunity to experience at home.
D) School Blog
Our school now has a blog site for our newsletters and assundry other information. Should you not wish to receive a paper copy let Colleen know and we will no longer send you a paper copy. Our blog may be found at the following url. http://sorrentoelementaryschool.blogspot.com/
E) School Reading Room
Our School Reading Room is up and running again this year. We have hired an extra Lunch Hour supervisor using our LINK Grant funds that we applied for in September. This supervisor takes 15 – 20 students into the “Loft” to read and snack!! Students must sign up on Friday or Monday prior to the day they wish to read instead of going outside.
F) School Spirit Event
Our School Spirit Event for this month is a “Jersey Day”. We will have “Jersey” Day on Thursday, February 17.
G) Anxiety Awareness Workshops
These workshops are intended to provide information, insight and strategies for anxious children. With this in mind School District #83 is offering workshops at North Shuswap El. School from 2:00 -3:00 Mondays, March 26, April 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30. If you are interested in attending please call North Shuswap School.
H) Community Forums
Our School Board and Superintendent are travelling around our school district to get information from parents about what parents think education should look like in the 21st century. The discussions will focus around the question, “How might schools better engage learners?” The Carlin/Sorrento Forum is Tuesday, February 21 from 7:00-8:30 at Carlin School. See you there.
I) Making Sense of Discipline
Making Sense of Discipline is a video course and discussion group facilitated by Marie Chernen. This three hour course speaks to the question of what to do when…, but does so in the larger context of what is required to raise children to their full potential. The course will take place Jan 30, February 6 and 13 from 6:30-8:30 at Salmon Arm Recreation Center Room #3. For more info call 250-832-9578.
J) Cultural Event
Our third cultural event for this year is a performer who attended Salmon Arm Secondary School and has won two Juno Awards, Greg Sczebel. Greg will be performing for us February 28 at 9:15. You are welcome to join us for this lively performance!
K) Parents As Literacy Supporters
Our first PALS session was a great success! Thank you, Mrs. Ruckle, for a great morning of fun activities for our parents and their children. Our second session of Kindergarten P.A.L.S. will take place on February 24 from 9:00 until 11:00 am. Our PALS program is very well attended and we look forward to seeing you here.
L) Students Do Not Attend
Teachers will be attending a Regional Professional Development Day on February 17th. Our region runs from Salmon Arm to Penticton. This is a great opportunity for our staff to network with teachers from other School Districts and to be taught by experts in the teaching profession.
M) Winter Fun Days
We have split the school into two groups for our Winter Fun Days this year. Mrs. Ruckle’s, Mrs. Zinck, Mrs. Blacklock, and Mrs. Tyssen’s classes will have their fun events Wednesday, Feb 29 from 10:15 until 11:45. Mrs. McManus, Mrs. Hadath and Mrs. Hall’s classes will compete on March 1st from 10:15 until 11:45.
N) Parking Lot Safety
The parking lot at Sorrento School gets very busy at the start and end of each day. Please do not block the bus loading and unloading zone at the front of the school at any time.
If you pick up your student(s) make sure they use the cross walk and do not run through the bus zone to get to your vehicle.
Please be patient and very careful when picking up your children especially at this snowy and icy time of year. Thanks.
O)Monthly Math Problem
We had 24 entries in our math problem draw. The winners of the Math problem of the month draw were Kyle Sheehan for the K-2 students and Trinity Blacklock for the Grades 3- 5 students. Congratulations!!
P) Minor Baseball Registration
Thursday, March 1, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Saturday March 3, 10:00am – noon
Registration to take place at Sorrento Preschool, 1148 Passchendaele Rd., across the street from Sorrento School. Call Steve 675-5269 for more information.
Dates to Remember
Feb. 16 – Jersey Day
Feb. 17 – Pro-D Day
Feb. 20 – PAC Meeting
Feb. 21 – Community Forum @ Carlin School
Feb. 24 – Kindergarten P.A.L.S.
Feb. 28 – Cultural Event 9:15