September 07, 2011

September News

A) Welcome Back
We hope that you have had a great summer break!! On behalf of the staff, I would like to welcome you and your children back to school. A special welcome is extended to our new students and their families, especially our Kindergarten children who are just beginning their school journey!!
At Sorrento Elementary we have a strong group of teachers and support staff. We believe that education of children is a partnership between the home and school. We encourage your participation and input at all times. Students whose parents and teachers model a positive and constructive attitude towards learning generally do well.
Things we can do to help our children include discussing the school day with them, reading with them and to them at night, as well as providing a consistent time and place for homework.
Please feel free to come in and meet with your child’s teacher(s) to discuss your child’s learning. Establishing lines of communication enable both the home and the school to work together effectively.
We welcome your thoughts regarding any aspect of our school’s operation.

B) Dressing for School
Students need to be comfortable to learn. At Sorrento School, students are expected to wear clothes that are appropriate for school. A good rule of thumb we share with the students is that beach wear is not appropriate at school. Spaghetti strap tops and open mid-rift blouses should be saved for summer wear. Likewise T-shirts with inappropriate language or illustrations should not be worn to school.
Thank you for sending your child with an indoor pair of running shoes and for sending him/her to school dressed to learn.
If you have any questions regarding the school’s dress code, please contact Mr. Horton.

C) Staff for 2011-12
We are pleased to welcome back Mrs. Hadath,
Mrs. Wiltse, Mrs. Moerike, Mrs. Blacklock,
Mrs. Zinck, Mr. Letkeman, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Smolne, Mrs. Ruckle, Mrs. McManus, and Mrs. Cassman.

We would also extend a warm welcome to our new staff Ms. Tyssen, Ms. Rasmuson, Ms. Rankin. and Ms. Killy.

D) Class & Staff Organization
    Division 7 - Mrs. Ruckle
    Division 6 –Mrs. Zinck
    Division 5 – Ms. Tyssen
    Division 4 - Mrs. Blacklock
    Division 3 - Mrs. Hall
    Division 2 - Mrs. Hadath/Mr. Horton
    Division 1 - Mrs. McManus

Learning Resource Teacher – Ms. Rasmuson
School Counselor – Mrs. Moerike
Music – Ms. Rankin
Library – Ms. Killy
Secretary – Mrs. Cassman
Special Ed. Assistants - Mrs. Wiltse & Mrs. Smolne
Custodian – Mr. Letkeman

E) Teacher Job action
As you may know the BCTF has given 72 hours strike notice. This will cause some of our normal plans and arrangements to be changed this year.
As a part of Phase One of this job action teachers will not handle money sent to them by parents. With this in mind, when you send any money to the school please place it in an envelope clearly marked with the student’s name, grade and what it is for as all these envelopes will be processed in the office.

F) Newsletters
School newsletters will be issued on a monthly basis usually during the first week of each new month. These newsletters are an integral part of our home-school communication plan. Please take time to read them with your children.
Newsletters are also available on our blog as well at:
To reduce paper consumption we plan to give them to the eldest member of the family attending our school.

G) Parking Lot Safety
The parking lot at Sorrento School gets very busy at the start and end of each day. Please drive with extreme caution!! Do not block the bus loading and unloading zone at the front of the school at any time.
If you pick up your student(s) make sure they use the cross walk and do not run through the bus zone to get to your vehicle. Thanks.

H) Bussing Issues
The Transportation Department sent a card home this summer regarding bus stops and schedules. If you did not receive yours or have questions, please
contact Transportation Dept. at (250) 804-7890.
I) Askew’s Vouchers/Cards
We will be raising funds for our school through the sale of Askew’s vouchers/cards again this year. If you shop at Askew’s you can purchase vouchers/cards from us and use them as cash at Askew’s.
We bulk purchase and earn funds based on the amount of our bulk purchase. You may pick up the vouchers from the office or send a cheque with your child and we will send vouchers home with your child. Thanks!

J) Parent Advisory Council
Our first P.A.C. meeting will be Monday, September 26 at 6:30 pm in the Staff room. All parents are encouraged to attend and add their input to the operation of the school. For new parents this is an excellent way to get to know other parents involved in our school.
We are still looking for volunteers to be our PAC President, and Treasurer. Should you be interested be sure to attend our first meeting.

K) Terry Fox Run
As you may know, we alternate between doing a Terry Fox run and a Turkey Trot at the start of each year. The Terry Fox Run raises money for cancer research and our Turkey Trot raises money and food for our local Food Bank. This year we will do our Terry Fox.  It will be on September 16th this year.

L) Growth Planning /Pro-d Day
This year our first Pro-d Day is Monday,
September 19th. Teachers will spend half the day planning how we will implement our growth plan and half the day doing professional development. Students do not attend school on this day.

M) Bell Schedule
            8:35 – Warning Bell
            8:40 – Lessons begin
            10:15 – Recess begins
            10:30 – Lessons recommence
            12:00 – Lunch Play time
            12:20 – Lunch Eating time
12:45 – Lessons recommence
            2:33 – Dismissal

Morning supervision does not begin until the first bus arrives at 8:10 am. Students who do not come by bus should not arrive prior to this time as there is no supervision of students. Thanks!

N) Head Lice
Each year we ask parents to check their child’s hair on a regular basis for head lice. September, January and April are often times when schools seem to have a greater incidence of head lice.
If you are willing to help with routine checks in the school please call the school and leave your name with Mrs. Cassman our school secretary. Thanks!!

O) Kindergarten Planning
Our Kindergarten class for this  year will begin on Wednesday, September 7 at 8:40 with pick up time at 12:00 until Tuesday, September 13th .
Bus pick-up will NOT be available for these first few days. Kindergarten students will begin regular
full days on Monday, September 14.

P) Allergy Alert
We feel that all parents should be aware that we have a few children in our school with severe life threatening food allergy (anaphylaxis) to nuts. This is a medical condition that causes a severe reaction to specific foods and can result in death within minutes. Although this may or may not affect your child’s class directly, we want to inform you so that you may choose to send foods to school with your child that are free from nut products. Thanks!

Q) StrongStart Program
This year we will be offering the StrongStart program in our school on Tuesday’s and Friday’s from 9:00 until 12:00. It is a free literacy program for any preschool children and their parents. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and caregivers are invited to join in the fun with their preschoolers. You may attend regularly or on a drop-in basis. Healthy snacks will be provided each day.

R) Math Problem of the Month
Attached to this newsletter you will find the
“Math Problem of the Month”. There is one for grades K-2 and another for grades 3-5. With each newsletter this year you will get a Math problem. We encourage each family to solve the problem together in the space provided and to return the solution to the draw box at the office. At the end of each month we will draw from the correct entries for a k-2 and grade 3-5 prize.

Dates to Remember
Sept. 16 – Terry Fox run
Sept. 19 – Pro-D Day – no school for students
Sept. 26 – PAC Meeting 6:30

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