November 01, 2011


A) PAC  News

Food Days:  Thursday,Nov. 3
 Thursday,Nov. 17

Soup Days: Wednesday, Nov. 9
              Wednesday, Nov. 23

Next Meeting: Monday, Nov. 21

Family Movie Night:
              Friday, Nov. 18

B) Reporting to Parents
At Sorrento School, we have an open door policy; meaning that we are ready and willing to talk to you at any time about any school related issue. Communication between the home and school is critical to a successful year for your child. Research shows that the more communication between the home and school the better the child’s academic progress.
If you are concerned about your child’s progress please contact your child’s teacher to make arrangements to meet to discuss your concerns.

C) Photo Retakes
Photo retakes will be on Friday, November 4. For students to get retakes they must prepay using a “Photo Order Envelope” from the office. This will ensure that you receive your photos prior to Christmas Break.
If your child was absent for the original photos, or if you have chosen to have retakes, please have your child obtain a Photo Order Envelope from the school office prior to retake day. The student will give the Photographer your payment enclosed in the Order Envelope on Photo Day.
Thank you from Mountain West Studios.

D) Dressing for School
The weather has slowly been getting more winter like!! Please ensure that your child is prepared to be outside at recess and lunch time unless the weather is particularly bad.
Thank you for sending your child with an indoor pair of running shoes and for sending him/her to school dressed to learn.
If you have any questions regarding the school’s dress code, please contact Mr. Horton.

E) No School
Students do not attend school November 11th or 14th  this month. November 11th is Remembrance Day and November 14th is a school based Professional Development Day for our school district.

F)Coats for Kids
As mentioned in our PAC notice, we are hoping to provide an opportunity for you to trade in any new or gently used winter snow gear on November 3, 2:15- 6:00 or Nov. 4, 2:15-6:00. Items can be dropped off at the office any day prior to these dates. Thanks!

G) Safety on Roads
With the time change taking place soon it is a good time to go over being visible while walking to and from school or around home. “Be safe, be seen” - we would encourage our students to be wearing bright colours, or reflective tags as the day light hours get shorter and shorter. Check out the web site for other road safety tips.

H) Remembrance Day
We will commemorate Remembrance Day on Wednesday, Nov. 9 at 10:30 this year. Parents are more than welcome to join us for this assembly.

I) Askew’s Vouchers/Cards
We will be raising funds for our school through the sale of Askew’s cards again this year. If you shop at Askew’s you can purchase cards from us and use them as cash at Askew’s.
We bulk purchase cards and earn funds based on the amount of our bulk purchase. You may pick up the cards from the office or send a cheque with your child and we will send the cards home with your child. Thanks!

J) Family Movie Night
The PAC is planning a Family movie night for Friday, November 18. They are planning a Hot Dog dinner to start at 5:30 with a movie to start at 6:30. As I write this note they are not sure of the movie to be shown but will send out a notice at a later date.

K) Christmas Light-up
For your information this year’s Christmas Light-up will take place on November 25th  at 7:00 pm on the plaza in Sorrento. Everyone is invited to attend.

L)Christmas Concert
This year we will be having our concert on Wednesday, December 7th , starting 12:30 pm. Ms. Rankin and our staff are working very hard with our students to put together a great concert. Our dress rehearsal will be Wednesday, Dec 7th   at 9:30 am. We will have a donation box for the Food Bank set up at the concert. Please bring one canned item as an entry donation. Thanks!

M) Things Best Left at home
We work hard to make our school as safe as possible for our children. With this in mind it is best for the following items to be left at home:
·         Wheeled shoes(healies)
·         Knives
·         Lighters
·         Laser pointers
·         Cameras
·         Deodorants
·         Toy weapons
Thanks for helping us to make our school a safe place for our children.

N) Christmas Letter Writing Day
You are invited to come to the school to join with your children in writing to relatives and friends before the Christmas postal deadline. Our Christmas Letter Writing Day is planned for Friday, December 2nd  at 10:30. As in the past, Parents and Grandparents are invited to attend. We will have writing paper, envelopes and writing areas set up around the school for you to write with your children.

O) A Note from our  Speech-Language Pathologists  
DID YOU KNOW . . . that 1 in 10 Canadians has a speech, language or hearing problem?  Communication disorders in school-aged children are often misdiagnosed as learning disabilities or behaviour problems.  Children with problem behaviours are ten times more likely than other children to have language disorders. Communication problems can also have an impact on the following aspects of a child’s experience at school – social interaction, classroom activities, learning and literacy.  Speech-Language Pathologists can help when a child is struggling with communication skills.

P)Purdy’s Chocolate sale
We do very few fundraising events through the year. This is one of our biggest fundraising events planned for this year. Please help us to raise as much as possible by letting all your friends, neighbours and relatives know about this great opportunty to buy Christmas gifts. Our sale goes from Nov. 1 until Nov. 15.
Thanks for helping to make this fund raiser a great success!!

Q)Christmas Concert Bake Sale
If you are looking for Christmas baking, we will be having a bake sale at the concert again this year. This bake sale will be in the multi-purpose room and staff room. We will be selling these items after the concert concludes.

R)Nutrition Bite
Tips for Including More Whole Grains in Your Child’s Diet:
·         Try to substitute whole grains for at least half of the bread, crackers, pasta, or rice you eat. Substituting even more is even better!
·         Try substituting whole wheat or oat flour for up to half of the flour in pancake, waffle, muffin, or other flour-based recipes
·         A lot of food products advertise that they are “whole grain” or “made from whole flour” but they may actually be mostly refined. Be sure to check the ingredient list – “whole wheat”, “whole oat”, or “whole rye” should be the first ingredient on the package. Also, choose foods that say “100% whole wheat” instead of foods that say “made with whole grain”.
Remember whole grains make us feel fuller for longer while adding lots of vitamins and minerals.

S)Monthly Math Problem
We had 27 entries in our math problem draw. The winners of the Math problem of the month draw were Micheal Gravells for the K-2 students and Chantel Jeffrey for the Grades 3- 5 students. Congratulations!!

Dates to Remember
Nov. 4 – Photo Retakes
Nov. 9 – Remembrance Assembly 10:30
Nov. 11 – Remembrance Day (no school)
Nov. 14 – Professional Development Day
Nov. 21 – PAC Meeting 6:30
Dec. 7 – Christmas Concert 12:30

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